Elevator of Success
  • $97.00
  • Available : 24
  • Location : Midvale, UT
  • Quantity :

WARNING: Most people live from their negative programming in their youth….
Unfortunately, living this way, causes illness, unhappiness, wrecked marriages, lost jobs, thoughts of suicide, debt and despair.
I learned an unconscious mind leads to a life lived by default.
My life was like this, living by default, thinking I was a victim to circumstances. Powerless to change the way I thought and felt. It was not until I went through counseling, coaching, seminars, years of self-help programs, that I came to see the patterns in my life and programming from my youth. I had those thoughts of suicide, just wanting the pain to end. I lost my business ended up filing bankruptcy, feeling worthless. Knowing now that everyone would see what I knew about myself all along that; I was a failure and not worth having anything good in my life.

That changed when I hit the bottom, and a coach helped me see that I was living my life from my belief of not being “good enough”. I asked myself if all failed, if I lost everything, (I almost did) I would still be here and I could start again. I was so very tired of living my life limited by a belief from my childhood. I had had enough pain and suffering and I did not want to live this way anymore.
If I was going to change, then I needed to see how my programming was creating my life and experiences.

If you are at the bottom and what to change then keep reading; if you love your life just the way it is, I salute you and encourage you to keep doing what is working for you.

Moving from the basement to the penthouse, entering the elevator of success: At this special price. $97.00

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